AL: Huh? L: I just got back from the doctor AL: What for? L: Really? AL: yeah L: I’ve already told you this I don’t have a period and I’m five weeks pregnant AL: Okay, how’d it go? L: ?? AL: Was that you messaging me this morning from another number? L: Oh no, this morning is whatever. AL: No I’m just asking that way I know for sure L: I don’t know Albert. I don’t know. Blame me for whatever AL: No, we’re not playing the blame game I just wanted to know because there may have been some details I wanted to talk about because it’s obviously relevant to the things we;ve been talking about over the past few days L: ? I would’ve thought that you would;ve just called me and said anything nice AL: Tecia, you know what my mind’s on, my mind’s on Gannon, okay. I told you I’d stand by you if we got to the truth so, that’s what my mind’s on. My mind’s on the truth about Gannon L: I’ve given you the truth. I’ve given it to you and I’ve given you fifteen different things that were not true just to prove a point - call it what you want, call it crazy or making up stories or lying or whatever you wanna call it and go text people and tell them how horrible of a person I am and I’m just lying and you’re backing me into a corner. Know that when you text people I hope you know they’re posting it online  AL: When I talk to who? L: Anybody, unless it’s probably legitely people that you are blood related to they send it to anybody or anyone ? they send it to their best friend ? kindergarten they’re posting it online AL: Well, I mean I haven’t said nothing to nobody so I don’t even know what you’re talking about L Well I’m just telling you that’s probably ? people calling you ? that’s probably how they got you number, your number’s online everywhere AL: I know it is and I mean L: people are posting messages that you supposedly sent people, ? I mean, so you know whoever you be talking to or whatever to people are putting it out there  AL: Well good for them, L: I’m just telling you that to let you know that not to talk bad to you or talk about you or nothing I’m just telling you that. Honestly, I spent the entire night getting pictures of you or messages made up ? all kinds of stuff like anything ? I’m just telling you that. These people are nutjobs AL: Yeah so back to what you said a second ago you told me that you made up all these stories to prove a point? Why would you tell me all those different stories. That doesn’t make any sense. I mean what point is there to prove other than the point of finding Gannon? L: Because I cannot give you no matter what I give you of how Gannon is missing I can’t give you the answer of how did they get him AL: Why? But no but you told me L: I don’t know ? If you guys are so ? question me ?? Jose Baez law firm. AL: I just wanna know why you told me all these different stories but you told me you told me, you’re telling me that you’ve given me the truth so many times but then you say it’s a bunch of different stories so I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. I mean the only thing I L: ? AL: Ok go ahead L: ? walking through any more stories or truths, I’m not doing that because it does nothing for me but make me unhealthy make me stressed and I’m not ?  ‘cause I’m not eating to be like this, I’m just not. It’s not healthy and you guys think that you’re gonna get me to ? myself or admit to something I didn’t do, you guys are all wrong. So ? is you’re gonna call me, call me, not to stand by my side, not to make any kind of statement to say that these people need to stop threatening your wife, you’re not gonna do any of this in your family, of course I’m just gonna sit there and play your games you’re treating me like crap, which you’ve done. Why would I treat you with any ?? AL: I didn’t hear what you said, you broke up. Why would you treat me with what? L: I said if you;re not treating me with compassion, kindness, with any kind of support, with any kind of help, not treating me with any of that why do I have to owe you any kind of any kind of the same respect that, that’s not AL: But I’ve offered that to you, ok, I’ve offered that to you, I said I’ll stand by you once we get the truth okay, that;s what I;ve said the whole time and I’ve told you that you can, you can survive and you can get through this ok it all comes down to the truth that;s the important point L: ? to get through something, for y’all to think that I’m gonna make up something ? that I didn’t even do. I’m not doing that. ? think that! You called me and said things like oh, you’re a teacher, you haven’t even said a kind word to me about anything like that, do you think that I didn’t think that was all a played up thing? AL: Listen, I mean, you’re welcome to think whatever you want I mean you said you loved me numerous times over the past couple days and I’ve replied with the same thing. L: ?? AL: Yes L: ? call me to say that to me, when you called me, I woke up in the morning and said be kind to me, I love you, I miss you, have you said anything to me AL: I have and but the problem is what you’re telling me is finding Gannon is conditional on what you want and what you need, that is what you’re telling me, the truth is conditional L: I’m not. Do you not think if I knew for a second ?? that I didn’t know wait for you like ??  AL: I don’t know, I don’t know the truth on this because I know what you’ve said that an accident happened and that you panicked and when you panicked and bad things, things get out of control or whatever you said, they go downhill L: I told you, you didn’t accept the accident about jumping on the bed you didn’t accept it  AL: I accepted that there was an accident, you’re absolutely right I accepted that and you panicked L: No That’s not what you accepted. I told you the truth. You asked me about the bedroom and I’ve already told you this AL: But, ok let’s accept that accident happened ok for a moment ok but you keep putting somebody else into the picture okay and that is absolutely bad for you in the context of an accident or the context of anything if somebody else comes into the picture and you keep going down that road if I’m sitting here poking holes in it, ok, which I don’t wanna do,but it just doesn’t jive with me, what do you think law enforcement is gonna do? L: I’m not worried about what law enforcement is gonna do because Jose Baez is gonna rip ‘em to shreds. I’m not worried about that. I’m not worried about law enforcement because I didn’t do anything wrong AL: Right, we’ve established that it was an accident so how, why would jose baez have to rip anybody apart if you were involved in an accident? L: that is , I never told that anything was an accident other than what you asked me and I’m gonna keep telling you that 14 times and then get mad at me, yell at me, scream at me and hang up the phone, tell me it’s not a good enough answer AL: But you did tell me there was an accident, you told me a fire, there was burns, there was a candle spill, he accidentally stepped on a piece of wood L: You already knew all this AL: Right but those are the accidents that you said happened that he got injured somehow from these accidents that’s what you said. I’m not putting words in your mouth L:?  I’ve already told you about this he had a hard time just being basically a boy barefooted AL: Yeah I know and he freaked out, after the accidents happened there was a couple different accidents that happened, he freaked out, got overwhelmed, then what happened? L: ? he never had that many accidents AL: I agree that’s a lot of accidents in like 12 hours on one little kid L: ? AL: okay whatever I’m just using that as a random guess okay, I don’t know exact time frames L: ? me explaining anything to you ? statements or whatever they know I’ve listened to you as I have ??? in the investigation and I mentioned that to you I’m not gonna sit here and walk down 15 more trails again with you for you to hang up, yell at me, scream and ? AL: I’m your husband, I’m not the sheriff I’m your husband and it’s my son that’s missing L: ?? AL: Yes he does, a father does. A father does, ok and once again I’m feeling, I’m trying to do this because I’m feeling the guilt of not being there to help him through all these accidents ok so I’m trying to do what I can outside of the law enforcement okay because you don’t frickin’ trust them anyways and they’ve screwed a lot of this up so I’m sitting here trying L: Do you trust them? AL: Do I trust them? Not based on what I’ve seen. I’m going straight to you, straight to the last person that saw him L: I’m not. If I would be the last person that saw him then I would be the person that has him AL: So who, then who was the last person that saw him? That’s ? L: I don’t know AL: Okay L:  I don’t know  AL: So you don’t know who it was L:  I don’t know anything I just told you  I don’t know anything because I’ve been emotionally beat down AL: By who L: Emotionally beat down AL: By who L: What? AL: who’s emotionally beat you down? [long silence] AL: Hello L: Albert, I understand that as a parent you know that 100% of your mind is focused on someone that god gave you the ability to bring into this world okay. If anybody knows that, I understand that AL: But you’re contradicting yourself because you told me L: Ok AL: No, I’m not even gonna say it AL: I’m sorry to interrupt, go ahead I’m sorry L: [inaudible] as soon as I [inaudible] I couldn’t even finish the second part of my sentence without you attacking me AL: Ok. L: and I also know that you should be under no circumstances be one with me because that’s what god intended you to be. One. One wife. That’s what you’re supposed to be doing. ? I haven’t even spoke to my husband in weeks. Been there to comfort him, he been there to comfort me in this situation so no I know that god says to put him first and put everything ? supposed to be ? and I’m not gonna apologize ? I’ve given you information, I’ve given you a set of information that’s the actual truth and it’s still good enough ? that is ‘cause i’m not doing it. You don’t care. You’re not gonna be as a parent and accept ? no sometimes our kids are gonna make choices that we don’t like you’re not gonna accept that ? to be a parent and try to tell you to accept something ? ? to keep someone else looking bad ? protect the child and I’m still the bad person(?) You should have my back no matter what. You should have my back to the point where we together were talking to these people and demanding a better answer but you have not. ? ? everyday I don’t know. I don’t even know where you’re at, as far as I’m concerned you might not even be here I mean it’s online that you’re in Texas AL: [whispering on the line] L: I don’t know anything/ I don’t even. ? ? I’m not angry from any of it. I’m not ? that you ? tell me exactly where Gannon is right now or I’m never gonna love you or you’re my family again ? that you put on me. I don’t know where he’s at. You think ?? AL: [whispering on the line] L: You have been married to be long enough to know that ? any situation whether I’m freaked out or not whatever it may be that I have fought tooth and nail, maybe not the best ? being like ? you got a cut, or whatever, maybe not the best in that aspect but as far as protection ? you should’ve been standing ? congressman(?) would tell us that knowing this time anybody messes anyone in our family ? Me. ? Me. If I could give you Gannon Stauch, I would. AL: Alright, could I talk now. L: Sure. AL: Huh? L: Sure, thank you. AL: Alright so, I know you don’t wanna hear this but I’ma walk you back through where I’m at and then I’m gonna let you know how I feel, okay? Alright? I fully believe that something happened, it was an accident, and that you panicked, ok. And that you keep putting somebody else into it and as long as you do that it just doesn’t look good for you, I’m trying to - I’m by your side when I say that ok, and I’ve said this over and over again that you can get through this and if you give me the truth, ok I’ll stand by you, ok, but here’s where I’m at here’s my feelings on it ok, you need to hear me out, please, okay? Alright? I know that you did something. I know that you’re responsible ok, and I hope there was a good reason for it but the problem is it’s clear to me that I can’t get Gannon back through you. Okay, I had serious hope that we could stand by each other through this but you know what, I’m past that point now, after all those lies and you just admitted that you lied to me for a reason to prove a point? I don’t have hope for us and you know what I’m worried about? I’m gonna have to testify eventually about this and I don’t know what I should say. I have no clue what to say about this ‘cause now I’m put in a position of the truth or my wife. And I don;t know what to say, I don;t know what to say when I get called up there to testify eventually.  L: You just said in your conversation you believe that I did something AL: I absolutely said that and I want you to know what you think I should say when I have to testify because I’m gonna get called up there. L: called up there for what? AL: To testify in this situation L:? ?? for what? AL: I don’t know I’m hoping it doesn’t come down to murder. I haven’t seen my son in three weeks and nobody can find him, ok L: Murder? AL: Or maybe it was an accident and somebody just panicked but I’m no clo- I’m farther away from the truth than I was when I started talking to you after two weeks. You were the last one to see him and I just don’t know what I’m gonna say when I have to sit on that stand and freakin’ cry in front of the world about my son. I don;t know what the hell I’m gonna say. Other than that you frickin lied over and over and over and over and then never told me any element of the truth so what should I say? I mean [long silence, beeping] AL: Hello? L: Hello AL: I guess I lost you L: ? you said, so you’re saying, so basically now you’re saying someone was getting murdered, that’s what you’re saying AL: No I said that could be the worst case, I don’t know for sure ‘cause there’s no body, there’s no evidence, there’s no nothing I mean what else do you want me to think in this case, okay, you’re frickin’ you’re the last one to see him, you’re the last one to heard him talk, you’re the last one of anything of Gannon on this Earth to my knowledge, okay, no one else. I mean what else are you, I mean what do you want me to say, Tecia what do you want me to think? I’m as freakin’ serious and freaked out as I’ve been this whole time all these freakin’ injuries in that short time period accident or not, you had something to do with it okay. I mean, how else, all that put together how else am I supposed to look at it? Just like you’re always putting me on the stand and questioning me for stuff you think I do that adds up okay, that’s what I;m doing here. There’s no other way for me to look at this other than you’re involved to some level if not ultimately responsible so you tell me what I’m supposed to say or what I’m supposed to think. You can say no no all you want to but you have, all you’ve done is lie to me and make up fake people that are in mexico right now. Tell me, tell me the truth Tecia. L: Yeah AL: Tell me what I’m supposed to say. How, tell me how to stand by you L: ?? You’ve already said what you think is in your mind and what ? the truth in your mind AL: Yeah it’s not about what I think though, ok I’m asking you how I can stand by you. What the truth is so I can stand by you through this. L: ? AL: [whispering on line] L: ? you said ? or something ‘cause my own husband has just said I was, I murdered someone! Listen to what you said! AL: That’s not what I said, okay, you said that not me. I said you’re responsible to some degree, that’s what I said L: You’re just worried about you testifying is what you said AL: Yeah, absolutely. L: - testifying for someone is what you said ? against me AL: Because I gotta get up there, I gotta get up there, I’m gonna have to get up there and look you in the eye and tell them that you lied to me and told me 15 stories and when they ask me what I think, I’m gonna tell them I think you’re responsible. I wanna know what you think I should say. That's where I'm at right now,  I told you that. L: If that's what you feel in your heart then go with it. That’s all I can - AL: No, that’s not, I’m asking you, I’m asking you to convince me, to tell me otherwise, Tecia L: No. AL: Convince me otherwise! I’m begging you, I’m on my knees begging you to prove me wrong again. Okay? Prove me wrong. Tell me right now, prove me wrong. Give me what I need. Give me the facts of the matter that prove that you had nothing to do with this or that it was an accident and you freaked out or something. I’m here theorizing all these different stories - L: Why ? Are you delusional? It was an accident and I freaked out and then you still think I just murder something over an accident? AL: No, no that’s not what I said. If it was an accident, that explains it. If you killed him, that explains it. I mean, that’s, it’s pretty simple. L: ? AL: Okay, it was an accident. Okay an accident. AL: ? saying it was an accident I’m answering your doggone question! Stop like yelling at me. I said if you just said ? on the stand is what you told me AL: No. L: You were gonna, no, you said if they ask me what I think - that’s a stipulation, okay - you’re telling me that you’re gonna say what you think happened. YOu just told me there’s no this, there’s no evidence there’s no other ? AL: No, alright. You’re right, you’re right. Back off of that, back off of that. What I will tell them is this… I well tell them this, that my wife had the opportunity to tell me the truth but she chose to lie to me repeatedly, make up fake people, Uncle Matt, Eduardo, uh frickin’ Quincy Jones or whatever his name was in Mexico, ok, she told me all these stories to get me going in 17 different directions, that I still don’t know the truth and that I know for a fact she was the last one to see him in our home L: I’ma let you just be like, I’ma let you have that opinion because that’s AL: No, no, no, no. Stop, no. That’s not an opinion, ok. That’s a -  I stated all the facts, I dropped the mic and I’m out, ok. That’s what that is. I got nothing else to say about it other than you lied to me and you’re the last one to hear my little boy cry and to say I’m bleeding and to see him alive and well L: Oh my god, they sent you that video. You’re an idiot. That was editing that made that video like that, oh my god. AL: Okay, tell me something that’s truth. You didn’t deny that - You didn’t deny L: ?? AL: Fine, ok I’m sorry I said that. Maybe it is edited, but you didn’t flip out when I said you’re the last one to see him alive. Okay, you flipped out when I said he said that he was bleeding so explain that to me Tecia. L: As far as I know Gannon’s alive. I’m not gonna say any differently because I’m not gonna be a parent - AL: Okay, you still didn’t answer the question. Now you’re telling me your opinion. You told me not to give opinion, now you’re giving me opinion. Okay, I said you’re the last one to see him alive and or in the house, ok. ‘Cause you are. So now fill in the blanks L: ? think that AL: No, that’s not what I think, that’s the truth and you haven’t denied that one time L: Do you think that - I’m not gonna say anything because why would I say anything? AL: Well you freakin’ jump on me when I say he’s in the video he said he was bleeding, you said they edited that, so you can’t have it both ways. Are you gonna deny it or are you not gonna deny it? Because you’re denying stuff you think is not true L: I’ve already denied to you what you just said AL: That you’re that last one to see him? L: That I am not the last one to see him AL: Then who is? L: ? AL: Oh yeah you told me QB we proved him false okay that was- that was easy. All I had to do was call a reporter, okay. I didn’t have to have any evidence I just called the reporter and she said yep he ain’t been around for a while. He’s been gone a minute. L: Okay AL: Okay, so who was it L: You’ve already said that it was no one else so why does it matter? AL: but you just said it was so I’m asking who it was L: I am not listening AL: See, here you go again. You can’t spin me, Tecia. You can spin Facebook, you can spin the media, but you can’t spin me, alright? L: - Facebook, ? so many times I ain’t even been on there AL: Alright, yup. I mean, fine but you can’t spin me, I’m telling you. You should know that by now. L: I’m not trying to spin you. AL: Hey, you know what, what about the blood in the corner. Okay? How about that. That came from Gannon knocking his nose?  L: what corner? AL: Yeah the corner of his bedroom where you pushed the beds together. What about the blood? L: Oh god, you are - you are just, you’re grasping AL: I’m not. I saw blood, okay, that’s not grasping I saw it. L: ? tell me again you saw it AL: Saw what? L: tell me what you saw? AL: Oh you’re recording me now? Go ahead just tell me, I’ll say it L: No! ? say this AL: I saw it. Blood in the corner of his room. Record me, I don’t give a fuck Tecia. That’s my son’s blood and I saw it. L: Okay, you’ve proved that A that you saw it, B you’ve proven it’s Gannon’s blood AL: So how’d it get there Tecia? You prove that. L: ? you just said you’re going on facts so I’m trying to get this straight, you’re going on facts. You’re telling me you were able to walk in and they showed you this ? crime scene ? is that a fact? AL: I saw it, you tell me whose blood it was, you were there L: Okay. So there we go AL: You were there L: What? AL: You were part of the crime so you tell me L: No, I was not. There was 18 people in that house AL: Oh, there was 18 people when Gannon, uh, got hurt and L: No AL: had these accidents happen and then he L: No ? in the house AL: Okay. I told you, you can’t spin me Tecia but go ahead, I’ll listen to your spin. Go ahead, spin it around L: I’m not trying to spin you. I’m not trying to spin you at all. I’m saying what you - I’m just trying to get the facts from you, what you’re saying. One, you’re telling me that all, you and whoever else,  saw blood in the middle of a supposed crime scene AL: No what you’re doin - no, no, no, hold on. No, stop for a second. What you’re doing, is you’re not focusing on the crime, you’re focusing on the people here helping to find Gannon, okay, like that’s gonna fly. L: No I’m not AL: You’re gonna go up there and say. No, you’re bullshitting Tecia L: ? they’re gonna rip you guy’s theory apart ‘cause it’s a lie AL: Okay L: ‘cause you contaminated a crime scene supposedly is what you said AL: Okay, so you, whatever. L: That’s what you said AL: But you’re - what you said is was it was Gannon’s blood so I’m going based off the facts that you told me L: you said - I never said that AL: Yeah you did L: ?? AL: No L: No AL: you said it was yours and Gannon’s blood, ok, that’s what you said L: No AL: That’s exactly what you said. That’s what you said  L: ? finding Gannon’s blood on any concrete AL: You are lying L: I never told you about any concrete with Gannon’s blood AL: Okay, alright. You’re lying L: You said you saw it AL: That’s gonna be noted, ok.  I’m gonna - I’m writing down notes right now. You’re lying. Tecia lies again  L: ? writing down! AL: Tecia admitted at the beginning of the conversation she lied 15 times L: As long as you and and whoever else you had in this home were in the home in the middle of a supposed crime scene they’re gonna rip you all to shreds AL: But why would you even say that if it’s not a crime scene? You told me it was an accident so was it a crime or an accident? L: ? you said it was! AL: You told me it was the scene of an accident. So is it an accident or a crime scene? L: Let me ask you this question then. Did you- okay. If this was a supposed crime scene AL: I can’t - L: ? okay. If this was a supposed crime scene and then you saw, which you have not came out and said differently, you’ve done nothing but talk fucking sure/shit about, okay, so then your friendly neighbor that fucking got paid money, that released the video that says Gannon didn’t come home, how the hell is the house a crime scene? AL: You’re the one telling me it’s a crime scene L You told me it was! AL: You told me it was an accident and now you’re telling me it’s a crime scene L: Answer that question AL: What question L: How in the hell is our home a supposed crime scene ? when you guys have done nothing but portrayed ? AL: Hey, do you want me to tell you what I think or what I know? You want me to tell you what I think or what I know? L: ? answer AL: I am! Do you wanna know what I think and what I feel or what I know for sure? L: Whatever you wanna give me. AL: Okay, what I think is that you did it, what I feel is that you’re involved, ‘scuse me. What I think and feel is that you did it, what I know is that you’re involved somehow, okay. That’s the bare bones of where I’m at right now. I have nothing else. You’re involved to some extent in Gannon getting hurt whether it was an accident or not, there’s blood all over the place, down in his room. However I saw it, who gives a crap at this point ‘cause the boy is out there hurt. Okay, what I feel like and what I think is that you did it and you’re trying to hide it. And you dumped his body somewhere. That’s what I think. L: Dumped his body? AL: Yup. L: that’s your theory that you are saying? Your theory, okay. You’re telling me that supposedly you think there was some accident, that someone go hurt really bad - AL: Yup L: Inside of Gannon’s room. ? Gannon walked outside to the car okay AL: I didn’t say you killed him in his room okay. Why, why would - I already told you, and you told me I was stupid for saying this, I think an accident happened that you’re involved with and then we have made, I made the assessment and everybody who saw the video online made the assessment Gannon was walking kind of sluggish to the truck and you told me I was a fucking idiot for saying that. Okay, but it makes sense if he had got hurt, okay, lightheaded, queasy, i don’t know, whatever. And now he’s having to walk to the truck so you can take him somewhere, okay L: Okay this ?  taking to someone to do what? AL: You told me. L: No, you said you were going on your theory so I want to hear your theory AL: Okay, you wanna hear my theory? Okay, you took him somewhere - yeah, I’ma tell you what I think you took - you went around town acting all normal, left your phone at the fuckin PetCo on purpose, okay, and took him out somewhere God knows where and left him there and maybe whacked him over the head with a 2x4 or something, I don’t know L: I took him out, why somewhere you said whacked somebody in the head, so I committed a murder is what you’re saying AL: No, ‘cause he coulda just been knocked out L: ‘cause what? AL: He could, you coulda knocked him out with a 2x4 not killed him, I mean he w- if he died, I guess that is murder, I don’t know, you’re the legal expert here, so actually, let’s back up a second ‘cause here’s where I’m at. You’re lying, okay. Are you lying to cover yourself? Are you lying to cover for Harley? Which one is it? L: Harley!? AL: Yeah. Which one is it? L:  It’s already been proved first of all she had been at work during all y’alls episode AL: So you’re lying for yourself? L: I’m not lying for anyone. AL: Okay. L: I’m not lying for a soul. AL: But you have, this whole time. You need to - the first thing you said this morning to me - one of the first things - was I’ve lied to you repeatedly, okay. I’ve lied, over and over and over again and I had a point to do it, I had a reason. So what’s your reason for lying now? L: I’m not lying AL: But you’ve been lying the whole time so how do I know that L: I told everybody exactly what happened from the beginning AL: Yeah but you just said they were all lies. You said all that was a lie, now it’s the truth so - L: - didn’t like it so therefore you just make up all your stories. So now you’ve got this theory of a 2x4 AL: No, that’s just L: ? AL: but see you’re not, you’re still not telling the truth because you said you told everybody from the beginning. The first story from the beginning was Gannon ran away, okay. Immediately proven false.  Second story, you got raped in Gannon’s room. Also proven false. So you’ve been lying from the beginning not telling the truth and you’re still lying so, I mean, what’s the next lie Tecia? L: I haven’t lied. AL: So you - now you’re lying about saying you were lying?  L: ? the beginning is what I’m talking about you just were never gonna believe it AL: wh- I know he didn’t run away L: Why not just - then okay then if that’s what you think, that’s your ? what you think you know, and your opinions  you ? for that. You are. If you think for a second that your own wife killed your son the you actually need mental help. AL: I probably will need to get some after this, you’re right. My son’s out there missing, my wife just admitted to me today that she’s lied to me for three weeks now, ok L: No I did not AL: and you did lie to me from the beginning, all these stories you said you had a point, okay.  And you still haven’t told me what the point is so now you’re lying again. And we’ve narrowed it down, we’ve narrowed it down to the other person. It’s either you by yourself, you and Harley or Harley had some involvement. Who are you lying for?  L: Really? You’re gonna try to ? AL: YEah really L: So that’s what you think? You think that that’s what ? when somebody was at work? AL: Look at you, so you’re, you’re defending your 17 year old and all I’m trying to do is defend and find my 11-year-old!  L: ? you just said that, you said you’re defending yours ? AL: Oh don’t even get me started with that ‘cause I begged you to let me adopt that child for five years so you can shove that one up your ass right now, okay. You can go ahead and shove that one wherever you wanna shove it but you’re just disrespecting me. Why don’t you just respect me and tell me what happened to Gannon? He’s a freakin’ 11-year-old out there by himself somewhere. He’s with somebody that he don’t need to be with and you’re the only one that has the truth. You.  And you can- admittedly, you you did, you said you lied over and over and over again. L: ? with somebody he don’t need to be with you just said that but then you told me that no one else was involved AL: [whispering on the line] So which one is it? You tell me. You keep, you keep L: ? you! You think that I have an involvement in killing a child that’s what you think! AL: Yeah, absolutely ‘cause you were there, Gannon’s missing, we can’t find him okay, nobody would stick to the plan this long after the whole world’s looking for him okay. So, it’s you. You’re the only one sticking to the plan. You’re the only one in the spin machine, you’re the only one lying. Everybody else is trying to find the truth. Everybody, Tecia. Even Landen, the one that you think I’m hooking up with. She’s just trying to find the truth about her baby boy, okay. L: I’m glad you get to spend the rest of your life with Landen AL: Yeah, I mean, whatever. If you think that, you’re - like you tell me,  you’re entitled to opinion because the fact here that you were the last one to see him, I wasn’t there, so I don’t know anything, you know everything and you’re lying repeatedly over and over again. You didn’t get raped, Gannon didn’t run away, there’s no Quincy Brown, Eduardo, Uncle Matt, no high fives, no Gannon jumping on his back, okay. What there is is there was blood in his room, okay, and he’s gone and we can’t find him. That’s what - and you left with him and didn’t come home with him okay. And you still haven't filled any of the blanks, we, I mean, there’s facts out there, okay there’s facts out there and you won’t even tell me the truth, you keep lying to me, making up some bike bullshit okay, Gannon fell off his bike and busted his head and needed 911, are you serious? And then as soon as I say that, we go back to the house, I mean I don’t even wanna do this, okay? You’re just gonna continue to lie to me, why  am I gonna be wasting my time? So when I testify on the stand, that’s what I’ma say. My wife has had all the information, she chose to lie about it, I got nothing else to say. Okay. That’s where I’m at L: ? AL: Alright, have a good day