- She lives in Lorson Ranch
- She met L when she posted on the neighborhood page looking for clothes for her niece. Harley Hunt messaged her offering her free clothes; when she showed up to the Mobley home it was Letecia
- She was supposed to leave them on the porch; she knocked and they ended up having a conversation
- Witness points out Letecia, the defendant, as the woman who delivered the clothing
- She was put off at first because the name didn't match and it was sort of weird because they didn't know each other and she was talking as if they had been best friends; this was right before Christmas of 2019
- Nothing else stood out other than L being too open with her
- L wrote again saying she forgot to give her a pair of pants
- On Christmas, she messaged and said she was going on a work training trip with an airline and asked if her niece wanted to help watch the house and hang out with her teenage daughter and help with the dogs; Harley didn't have many friends because she didn't go to school there
- She saw that Gannon was missing in a post on one of those neighborhood pages
- Prior to Gannon going missing, she only remembers L talking about her daughter and weird things like her husband working nights in the army and was gone a lot; she also mentioned Laina going to Grand Mountain; she also talked to her about being frustrated in her home life, a little TMI and also porch drop offs not chats
- She helped searched for Gannon; it was freezing and dark
- They searched near the school and other areas they figured an 11-year-old boy may go; they also searched vacant fields in the neighborhood. About 40 people were searching with drones, dogs, and vehicles - all volunteers, a very unorganized organized search based on the Facebook post they saw; the neighborhood coming together
- Mobley did not stop by L's house; it was very obvious she was there and not out searching with them. Lights were on and she would open the door. None of the people she encountered outside searching were her
- It started snowing and some people began to stop searching
- There was a lot of Facebook drama regarding Gannon's disappearance; she tried not to read it but did follow legitimate news
- The night Gannon went missing, Mobley messaged L on Facebook to try and figure out where they should be looking and L blocked her immediately
- Mobley participated in all neighborhood search parties
- She recalls an interview L gave with a news station. One thing that stood out to Mobley is that L had her back to the camera; the news cast was mostly her worrying about what people thought of her; also L spoke in past tense when she mentioned Gannon. This made Mobley even more curious about what happened to Gannon
- Mobley tried to reach out to L via Facebook messenger on a different Facebook page that wasn't blocked - either Letecia Stauch or Tee Stauch - and did not get a response
- Mobley made a fake Facebook page to see if she could get L to respond to her, but knew she wouldn't on her original page; the conversation they had on the porch when they met, Mobley felt she could figure out how to get her to talk based on what she had wanted to talk about. L did reply to this fake account